paul@pauljohnston.com 416.897.5480
Salesperson, right at home realty inc. 416.391.3232


Laneway Property for Sale at 660R College Street

I’ve been fascinated by hidden spaces since well before my time selling real estate – and this absolute gem utterly amazed me.  Rumoured to have originally served as a local flour mill when Little Italy had a multitude of bakeries, this building eventually became a woodworking shop, before falling into complete disrepair.  Well, it’s forgotten no longer – thanks to a comprehensive and utterly stylish re-invention by the current owners.  Thanks for saving it, gents,

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Heritage Loft at Candy Factory For Sale

Maybe I’ve hit that age, but I can recount dozens of friends and colleagues regaling me with a tale of almost buying in the Candy Factory.  These are generally dated yarns, intertwined with bars and restaurants long gone or relocated (Bar One!  Mildred Pierce! Boom Boom Room!) and an unmistakable tone of lament: “We should have…”, “Why didn’t I…”, “What a fool I was…”.  So the take-away, as I see it, is learn from these

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Penthouse Loft at Junction House for Sale

Working on floor plans in pre-construction is an immense amount of fun.  First, a little bit of knowledge goes a long way (just ask the structural engineers I challenge on sheer walls, columns and all that silly stuff).  Second, because it really challenges you to think about how people want to live, and how best to assemble the puzzle pieces for beauty and efficiency.  And lastly, because when you see a plan built – when

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Missing Middle Opportunity in West Queen West

There is no conversation more exciting than the dialogue that surrounds the “missing middle” right now.  As I see it, this is the space between single family homes and the growing number of mid-rise buildings that are (mostly) thankfully gracing our neighbourhoods.  This is the question of how do we gently intensify existing residential lots to re-invigorate and increase housing supply, while still respecting the intimacy of cherished Toronto neighbourhoods?  Well, if this utterly handsome

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Laneway Home for Sale at 54 Croft Street

Over the years, I’ve had countless discussions about this home – with most of them revolving around “If only…”.  Many of those conversations involved the people at the forefront of the recent push for laneway housing in the city (which I’m delighted to see come true) but just as many were people who admired this home for precisely what it is: a home of consequential design, in a discrete location along a much-admired street, that

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102 Westmoreland Ave
Stylish detached home in Bloorcourt for Sale

This home is perfect for anyone seeking a stylish, sun-filled home in a vibrant part of the city.  The urban garden is just perfect for lazy afternoons and stylish dinners with friends. Welcome to 102 Westmoreland Avenue, in Bloorcourt. This distinctive, detached home is only moments to the shopping on Bloor Street, with Dovercourt Park just up the street and Toronto’s beloved Dufferin Grove only a short stroll away. The home has been updated throughout,

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